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Firebase App Distribution

Firebase App Distribution is a platform provided by Google Firebase that enables developers to distribute pre-release versions of mobile apps to testers and stakeholders. This platform streamlines the distribution of Android and iOS apps and offers features such as targeted distribution, release notes, and feedback collection. The Appcircle Firebase App Distribution step enables you to efficiently distribute your mobile applications to testers and relevant parties directly from your Appcircle workflow. With this integration, you can optimize the distribution process and gather valuable feedback to iterate on your app before its public release.


Please note that you can also distribute your app via Appcircle. Utilizing Appcircle's distribution modules enhances manageability within the platform.

For more details, please refer to the following links:


Below are the workflow steps required before running the Firebase App Distribution step, listed with their reasons. Prerequisites vary by platform:

For Android (Java / Kotlin and React Native)

Prerequisite Workflow StepDescription
Android BuildGenerates the app required for the Firebase App Distribution step.
Android SignRequired for signing the app; processes the app for signing. This step can be skipped if the app is already signed.

For iOS (Objective-C / Swift and React Native)

Prerequisite Workflow StepDescription
Xcodebuild for DevicesBuilds the application in ARM architecture and generates an IPA file.

For Android Flutter

Prerequisite Workflow StepDescription
Flutter Build for AndroidGenerates the app required for the Firebase App Distribution step.
Android SignRequired for signing the app; processes the app for signing. This step can be skipped if the app is already signed.

For iOS Flutter

Prerequisite Workflow StepDescription
Xcodebuild for DevicesBuilds the application in ARM architecture and generates an IPA file.
Flutter Build for iOSPrepares the Flutter project for the iOS environment and builds it using the Flutter SDK.

Input Variables

For each component, specific input variables are required for its operation on your system. The input variables necessary for Firebase App Distribution are as follows:


Confidential information should be entered as a secret environment variable. Also, ensure that the environment variable group is selected in the Configuration.

Variable NameDescriptionStatus
$AC_FIREBASE_VERSIONSpecifies the Firebase version to be used. Enter your Firebase version, such as v11.11.0, for a specific version. The default value is latest.Required
$AC_FIREBASE_APP_PATHSpecifies the full path of the build. For example, $AC_EXPORT_DIR/Myapp.ipa or $AC_APK_PATH.Required
$AC_FIREBASE_APP_IDSpecifies your app's Firebase App ID. You can find the app ID in the Firebase console.Required
$AC_FIREBASE_TOKENSpecifies a refresh token that's printed when you authenticate with the firebase login:ci command. Select either a Firebase token or a Google Service account.Optional
$GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALSSpecifies the path of the Google Service Account JSON. Upload the service account as a file to your environment group and name it GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS. Select either a Firebase token or a Google Service account.Optional
$AC_FIREBASE_RELEASE_NOTESSpecifies the release notes for this build. If you want to use a file for release notes, leave this field empty and configure the next section.Optional
$AC_FIREBASE_RELEASE_NOTES_PATHIf you use the Publish Release Notes component before this step, release-notes.txt will be used as release notes.Optional
$AC_FIREBASE_GROUPSSpecifies the Firebase tester groups you want to invite.Optional
$AC_FIREBASE_EXTRA_PARAMETERSSpecifies extra command line parameters. Enter --debug for debug mode.Optional

Output Variables

The Firebase App Distribution step generates no output variables. The step succeeds if the app is distributed successfully; otherwise, it fails.

To access the source code of this component, please use the following link:

Preview of GitHub - appcircleio/appcircle-firebase-distribution-component: Firebase Distribution Component