Organization Management
Managing Organization
The "My Organization" screen is accessible from the button with the organization name initials at the bottom left and it contains all operations to manage an organization.

Organization Name and ID Management
When you create an account, an individual organization for you is created by default with your email address.
In the left column under the organization management screen, you can change your organization name, which is a descriptive name, for that specific organization.
You cannot change the Appcircle organization unique ID. This value is a unique identifier assigned by Appcircle.
When your Appcircle organization is first created, your email address is used as the organization name. To avoid confusion when working with multiple organizations, we recommend changing your organization name.
To update these details, simply enter the new values and press Update.

Working with Multiple Organizations
Adding an Organization
To add a new organization, press the "Create New Organization" button on the top-right (denoted by a plus sign) and type in the Organization Name. The organization will be created with the specified name and your role will be set as the owner.
If you are on the Starter Plan, you cannot add a new organization. To create more organizations, you need to upgrade to a higher plan.

Adding a Sub Organization
Appcircle's Sub-Organization feature allows you to create multiple sub-organizations from your organization, providing a way to manage different teams and projects separately. With this feature, each sub-organization is linked to the organization.
It's worth noting that sub organizations are very similar to the organization. When you are inside a sub organization, you will have access to all the features and functionality that are available in your organization. Any licenses associated with the organization will also be applicable to the sub organization.
To use this feature, an enterprise license is required.
If you add a user to the sub-organization who already exists in the main organization, all the permissions assigned to that user in the main organization will automatically extend to the sub-organization as well.
It's worth noting that sub-organizations are very similar to the organization. When you are inside a sub-organization, you will have access to all the features and functionality that are available in your organization. Additionally, any licenses associated with the organization will also be applicable to the sub-organization.
Please note that an Enterprise License is required to use this feature.
If you have an enterprise license, you can create sub-organizations from the organization by navigating to the "My Organization" page, clicking on the Create Sub Organization
button, and entering the necessary details for the sub-organization.

Multiple sub-organizations can be created from an organization as required. This feature is particularly useful for businesses with multiple teams working on different projects, providing a way to manage each team's access to Appcircle separately. With the Sub-Organization feature, businesses can create and manage multiple sub-organizations linked to the organization, giving different teams access to the tools they need to work on their specific projects.
Why do you need sub-organizations?
Sub-organizations are subsidiary organizations linked to the main organization, all of which can be easily managed from within the main organization. The primary purpose of creating sub-organizations is to provide isolation. For example, if you have three different projects within Appcircle, each with its own dedicated teams, the sub-organization structure allows you to isolate these projects and teams from one another, making management more straightforward and efficient.
Switching Organizations
Once you create an organization or accept an organization invite, you will be switched to that organization automatically. To switch between organizations, press the quick team switching button on the bottom-left on status bar and select an organization from the menu. The currently selected one is indicated with a check mark.
Each organization is isolated from each other, and switching means that you will switch to the "workspace" of that organization.
Once you select your organization, you will only see the profiles, artifacts, and reports belonging to that organization in all modules.
You can switch between organizations at any time without any data loss.

To switch between organizations or sub organizations, follow these steps:
- Locate the Organization Switch Button:
- Find the button displaying the name of your current organization at the bottom of your screen.
- Press the Organization Switch Button:
- Click this button to display a list of available organizations and sub-organizations you are part of.
- Select the Desired Organization:
- From the list, choose the organization or sub-organization you want to switch to.
- Membership Requirement: You will only be able to view and switch to organizations that you are a member of. Organizations that you are not a member of will not be visible in the list.
By following these steps, you can seamlessly navigate between different organizations within your account.
Leaving or Deleting an Organization
To leave or delete an organization, press the organization operations button on the top-right (three-dots menu) and select the related operation.
You will be prompted before the leave/delete operation.
Both leaving and deleting are irreversible operations and it is advised to use them with caution:
- If you leave an organization, only an Owner can add you back, even if you were an Owner.
- If you delete an organization, you will lose ALL platform data including apps, profiles, and artifacts.